Hiring People vs. Utilising Automated Software | FundApps
Find out what our FundApps CEO Andrew White thinks about hiring people versus using automated software, weighing up the pros and cons of both of these options.
International Women’s Day 2022
Learn how FundApps is making progress towards gender diversity and inclusion on International Women's Day 2022.
Changes to Section 13 & Short Sale Requirements | FundApps
Discover more about the new, proposed changes to Section 13 and the beneficial ownership and short-selling by the SEC from head of FundApps North America.
SEC Proposes Short Sale Disclosure Rule | FundApps
Learn about how the Securities and Exchange Commission have proposed a new Rule 13f-2 that will increase market transparency regarding short selling.
Monitoring Position Limits with a Difference - The FundApps Way
An overview of FundApps vs. Competitors in the Position Limits monitoring space
Product Update: The ‘Florange Law’ and Double Voting Rights
FundApps has introduced new functionality making it possible to automatically calculate the adjustment to voting rights derived from the Florange Law.
MiFID II Recovery Package Changes
Stay up to date with changes in the MiFID II recovery package framework and how this will affect regulatory and technical standards for your business,
Life At FundApps: Women in Engineering
What it means to be an engineer at FundApps, and how you can play a part in developing a healthy culture.
ESMA’s Lowering of the SSR Minimum Threshold | FundApps
The long-anticipated permanent lowering of the threshold from 0.2% to 0.1% for short disclosure has come into effect. Learn how we help clients navigate this.