
EU to create the European Electronic Access Point

EU to create the European Electronic Access Point

Read more on the creation of the European Electronic Access Point and how it can solve home Member State determination and TDA related disclosure agreements.

Transparent Shorts

Transparent Shorts

Across the globe, every country with a stock exchange has some form of major shareholding (US: beneficial ownership) disclosure regulation.

Part 2: MiFID II

Part 2: MiFID II

Before making the final decision on the details of the forms used for commodity derivatives position reporting, ESMA conducted public consultations.

MiFID II Position Limits Reporting | FundApps

MiFID II Position Limits Reporting | FundApps

Discover all you need to know about MIFID II Position Limits and reporting to the relevant National Competent Authority and how businesses will be affected.

Lending, Borrowing, Collateral & Disclosure

Lending, Borrowing, Collateral & Disclosure

FundApps' Shareholding Disclosure service captures lending, borrowing, repo and collateral exclusion/inclusion criteria automatically.

What is RegTech? | FinTech vs RegTech | FundApps

What is RegTech? | FinTech vs RegTech | FundApps

You may have heard of FinTech, but what is RegTech? Industry pundits are tipping RegTech to be the new FinTech, but that’s not strictly the case.

Part 3: Scariest Sanctions

Part 3: Scariest Sanctions

In this three-part blog series, we’ve so far discovered the toughest regulations when it comes to deadlines and complex calculations.

Part 2: Complex Calculations and Disclosure Obligations by Country

Part 2: Complex Calculations and Disclosure Obligations by Country

Discover part two of our Complex Calculations series where we discuss which countries have the toughest shareholding disclosure obligations with deadlines.

The Tightest Deadlines in Shareholding Disclosure Obligations | FundApps

The Tightest Deadlines in Shareholding Disclosure Obligations | FundApps

Discover which countries have the toughest deadlines, calculations & sanctions when it comes to Shareholding Disclosure Obligations in #1 of our 3-part series.