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How We Close Deals with World Leading Funds and Asset Managers

Written by Christof Bays | May 26 2016


FundApps was born out of a desire to change the way compliance software is used. Many of us on the FundApps team have compliance backgrounds and have either helped to build or spent a long time using the software we are competing against - so we think we know a thing or two about what makes automated shareholding disclosure easy and effective.

It’s the norm for financial enterprises to be using software that has not been updated in months, if not years. Often the capability of compliance software is held back by how difficult it is to install and set up, and usability suffers because engineers don’t get to publish updates as quickly as they should. Frankly, we don’t think that’s anywhere near good enough - and that’s where our automated shareholding disclosure solution comes in.

We Embrace 21st Century Technology.

One of our biggest advantages is the fact we use cloud technology. This is because we think it’s the best way to empower our users, while keeping them secure and minimising risk at the same time. Cloud technology enables us to push out new features and fixes as soon as they’ve been double checked by our engineering team and have passed through a series of automated tests. The fact that every single one of our clients is using state-of-the-art software running on ISO 9001, 27001, SOC I, and SOC II compliant servers provides peace of mind, as well as enormous potential.

Traditional Software Fees

  • Software License.
  • Add-ons & Compatibility Packs.
  • Hardware Procurement.
  • Hardware Deployment & Config.
  • Maintenance.
  • Support Staff.
  • Training.

FundApps’ Fees

  • Annual Subscription.

We impress a lot of our clients with the savings that we can pass on to them by using state-of-the-art datacenters maintained by Amazon. We charge yearly, with a simple pricing structure. No costs for extra users, database licensing, maintenance or new servers.

We’re Devoted to Understanding Our Client Community.

Paying attention to our users, what they want and what they need is a big part of what makes FundApps special. By having our service web-based and in the cloud, it means we can rapidly test and deploy to find the best way to automate disclosure and compliance tasks. The better we understand how our clients like to use our service, the better we are able to make it.

Understanding users is about a lot more than what they like to click on. We know that high-level security is absolutely essential to any company operating in the financial sector, so we take that into consideration with things like four-eye code reviews, SSO support and rigorous encryption.

We also know that compliance staff are very, very busy people. We’ve designed our user experience to be as intuitive as possible, making it easy to see what needs to be disclosed and when. We even generate disclosure forms automatically, reducing the chance of fat-finger errors and enabling people to get more work done with massively reduced risk.

We take great pride in knowing our clients and our industry inside out. We understand UCITS, AIFMD, MIFID II and the intricacies of disclosing in over 85 countries. Regulatory compliance is something we live, breathe and eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That level of insight from our Client Services team is regularly commended by our clients as one of the most valuable aspects of what we do.

We’re More Than Just Software.

At FundApps, we don’t think of ourselves as a compliance-savvy software company. Rather, we’re a software-savvy compliance company. That difference is subtle, but important, and it allows us to innovate and add value to our product in a lot of ways that our competitors can’t match. We’re a turnkey disclosure solution - but we go to extraordinary lengths behind the scenes to maintain our reputation as experts in our industry.

1. Our content team take complex legal information from aosphere (a license to whom is included in every FundApps subscription) and turn it into the algorithms that power our engine. This allow us to automatically detect when a disclosure needs to be made.

2. Our Client Services team has extensive experience working for and with financial regulators. This separates us from the competition by allowing us to answer questions, queries and suggestions about compliance thresholds quickly, effectively and authoritatively.

3. We regularly engage in discussions with our clients about various aspects of regulation. We do this particularly around how certain complicated financial instruments (which are not explicitly contemplated in legal text) are to be disclosed, or about at what level in our clients corporate structure a calculation must be made.

Our team includes some of the most highly respected computer scientists in their field, with a highly skilled team of dedicated software engineers. We don’t think of ourselves as simply rising to the bar set by other SaaS companies: we’re pushing it higher with every release. That experience and insight is bolstered by a great relationship with some of the largest asset managers and hedge funds in the world: companies that love our product and continue to use us year after year.