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Target the source of denominator-checking pain

1 min
Posted on Aug 1 2018 by Ben Richards

Discover more about Automated Community Denominator Check (AC/DC) and how it can save time and resources, whilst increasing confidence in denominator values.

The FundApps Automated Community Denominator Check (AC/DC) saves Investment Managers time and resource, whilst increasing confidence in critical denominator values vital to shareholding disclosure monitoring.

FundApps Automated Community Denominator Check AC/DCChickity-Check yo self before you wreck yo self 
('Cause wrong TSO values are bad for your health)


Sourcing accurate denominator data has proven to be a nightmare for financial institutions due to the unreliability of the sources being updated, and with no alternative validation process or golden source, professionals have found themselves plagued by time-consuming and repetitive manual controls.

The Automated Community Denominator Check (AC/DC) utilises FundApps’ Client Community to highlight differences between the Denominator values (e.g total shares outstanding, total voting rights etc.) uploaded by customers. This allows FundApps clients to quickly identify, investigate, and rectify errors - promoting confidence in the data behind their disclosure results and satisfying regulatory obligations for ensuring data quality.

"For decades, the investment management industry has been struggling with the same problem - inaccurate market data. Now for the first time, with AC/DC, investment managers work together to share market data results, removing an outdated administrative overhead and allowing them to concentrate on the work that matters - making good investment decisions" - Jonny Bradshaw, Head of Product

Giving firms the opportunity to take a fresh approach, AC/DC will transform outdated subjective processes and allow clients to leverage the power of the FundApps Community to add confidence in operational controls and reduce the time associated with checking denominator values. Crucially, results of data discrepancies and the related work to remediate errors will be stored in a detailed audit, which is available at any time for users to demonstrate an enhanced level of operational control to investors and regulators.

Get in touch if you would like to hear more about how FundApps AC/DC can save time and increase confidence in disclosure processes.